1) Baking
2) Making large hairball colonies post-dog-brushing and texting photos of these disturbing images to friends :

3) Facebook
4) Wedding planning
5) Youtubing hamsters shoving things in their mouths.
(ps-- they're incredible. how do they fit that many baby carrots in their mouths in one sitting? how do the carrots not pierce through their pouches? how full is too full, little hammie?)
... basically, i'm the most boring person in the world. But, I do adore baking. and reading about people's baking adventures. and perusing bookstore shelves for anything baking-related.
I also adore eating baked goods. and undressing those sweet morsels of amazingness with my eyes like a total food creep. I'm really good at that. (so basically, i'm also talentless).
Well, enough about me- and onto my blog! Welcome! I'll be posting on failures and successes of all things baking (and seasonal treats-- there's no way i'm using my oven in the hot indiana summer!) as I procrastinate my way through yet another year of my educational career. Enjoy ;)