Actually, I bake when my mind is overworked from thinking about the dreadful amounts of studying I have ahead of me. Exhausting stuff, that whole thinking thing. Thinking and fretting.
Did you know there's such a thing as 'eustress'? As in, good-stress? It's true. Google that. I pinky-swear that it exists. We learn about weird things like this in psychology classes. Too much stress is paralyzing, but some stress is the equivalent of a good swift kick to the butt. It gets you moving. See, stress is (somewhat) good. It gets me moving to the kitchen to whip up some baked goods with white chocolate chips.
Actually, that's a lie.
This is the sad proof. That bag there? It's half empty. Good thing I went for the fattiest 'chocolate' in the store, right? Not like white chocolate isn't even chocolate. Not like, it's really just creamy fat and sugar. Good foresight, grad student. Touche.
Hey, at least I used dutch cocoa + Truvia + 1% milk for my hot chocolate treat right next to that 200,000 calorie snack pack. Totally balances out the shameful creamy snack attack i had there. you agree? oh good. whew.
But you're right. Maybe next time I'm at the store, I'll reach for the 60% dark chocolate chips. And then I'll make some cookies, really this time. Promise. When that KitchenAid stand mixer I finally broke down and ordered comes in. Yes. Plenty of eustress-baking-goodness to come! Stay tuned, world.