Speaking of summer, berries are EVERYWHERE, and since there was a crazy sale on raspberries at the chain grocery store, i caved and bought 4 cartons (i know, i know-- i totally should only buy produce from local stores like the co-op, where we're actually members... or the farmer's market... i'm sorry!). What was I going to do with that many raspberries?! I ate them by the fistfuls, forced them onto Jarrod and Juni, and threw them into salads. Then, I thought about my favorite summer camp sandwich from way back when... cream cheese and jelly. And then it dawned on me. The cinnamon roll recipe I had in front of me folded in cream cheese into the dough (thanks, Joy the Baker, and... (drool)... I can shove raspberries into the swirly pockets of these cinnamon rolls! They'll be just like childhood awesomeness!
So I did it.
It took 4.5 hours.
So what if Jarrod and I split one as a 1 am snack on a Wednesday night? no biggie.
Check out Joy the Baker's recipe for these yummies-- all I did was cut the amount of confectioner's sugar by a little more than half (for the icing-- it was more of a glaze, which was perfect for my taste), and instead of the raisins + pecans in the filling, sprinkled in about 1 cup of fresh raspberries.
The cinnamon roll dough itself ended up tasting (and having the consistency of) a light and mildly-sweet brioche, and the raspberries definitely added a tart zing to the sugary filling. I have a feeling I'll be making these again soon... now, if only I didn't need the oven for this...