So, after some deep thinking (a.k.a. putting off dissertation work), here's what I came up with:
Yuri's Summer Bucket List
- Read a 'reading for leisure' book, cover to cover. I have about 10 leisure books that I've started and never finished. I tried to read Heartbreak Work of Staggering Genius about 6 times, each time, having to re-read the book from the start because I forgot everything I read. This resulted in me never getting past page 137.
- Perfect a frozen yogurt recipe. I've used my ice cream maker (an impulse buy from a Macy's in St. Louis approximately 2.5 years ago) two times. This needs to change.
- Be active, daily. Whether it be a bike ride around the neighborhood, a rejuvenating yoga class, or quality time watching Cupcake Wars on the treadmill screen at the gym... I.WILL.BE.GOOD.TO.MY.BODY.
- Make solar light lanterns. I posted this project idea on my Pinterest board, and I completely plan to follow through. I even bought all of the supplies already, so there's obviously no turning back. Of course, the supplies have been sitting patiently for a month now, hence the need to put this agenda item on a summer bucket list.
- Drink beer from a pony keg hoisted atop a beer girl's back at a Japanese baseball game. This is so super-specific, but it's a near-guaranteed bucket list cross-off item. Things are happening. Plans are being made. Oh yes. I might be as excited as Jarrod on this.
- Practice some sweet Zumba moves while grocery shopping. This is an odd one. I wanted to put one in that I haven't quite been ballsy enough to do. The thing is, grocery shopping with me is a Horrible (yes, with a capital H) experience. I meander. I get distracted by pretty food. I get lost. A cell phone is a must if you go to a grocery store with me. So, to alleviate the dread for one lucky grocery-mate, I will bust some Zumba moves in the produce section. Yup, the section right when you walk in. And, where you walk out. Totally a high-traffic area, no big deal. All that, to put a smile on a friend or husband's face. This better not end up on YouTube. Or, maybe it better, so I never do that again.
- Don't cut my hair. I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Every summer, I start out wanting to keep it long-- so I can style it pretty and have beach wave-y hair (nevermind the fact that Midwest is exactly that-- in the Middle-west of the country... as in, no salt-water beaches). Then, come the first truly hot day of summer, and I'm on the phone booking a haircut. I think the exception to this rule was the summer before I got married-- because I wanted an updo and *had* to keep growing my hair out from the previous summer's short bobbed 'do. This year, I will yet again, strive to keep my hair intact. Beach wave-y hair is also a goal.
I think that's it. 7 bucket list items. I'll get started on these ASAP. Thanks again for the idea, Joy & Tracy!
Friends, I will keep you posted on my progress!
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