Monday, June 25, 2012

Baked Pancake with Summer Fruits

Whenever I'm out for brunch, I fall victim to the same impossible decision-making process: sweet or savory?  Typically, I'll end up getting one or the other and totally regretting my decision a couple of bites in, as I enviously eye fellow brunchers' delicious meals.  Luckily, some places combine sweet and savory (e.g., sausage wrapped up in a pancake, smothered in cinnamon apple goodness?  Yes, that's a real.thing.), so the decision isn't as difficult.  It's hard to think about these huge decisions at 11 am on a Sunday.  This, friends, is a true fact.  I tend to even dabble a bit onto the lunch menu, asking for a side of mac and cheese with my short stack of blueberry pancakes.  Don't knock it until you try it.

Last weekend (yes, I'm behind), I wanted to make a deliciously sweet and fruity breakfast.  I thumbed through a beautiful cookbook and found just what my belly wanted.  A massive pancake you bake!  Yes, please.  The original recipe (found in The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen's book) makes this with apples, but I had fresh peaches and way too many strawberries, so I decided to adapt the recipe to incorporate these light, juicy, summer fruits.

Looks like summer!

This is a three-step process of baking, but super-easy.  This is after Step 2 of the baking process.

Ugly but yummy.

Perfect drizzled with a little maple syrup.
 So, it turns out, our current oven is a little tempermental.  The pancake is only supposed to bake for about 20 minutes, but it didn't set!  After I realized that the oven wasn't as hot as it should be, I reset the oven, and it was completely fine.  The end product, however, was an ugly pancake.  Sorry!  I'm pretty sure that it would have been a lot more pretty had it been in the oven for the 20 minutes, at the right temp all along.

Are you interested in making this?  I sure hope so!  Here's the recipe, again, adapted from The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen:

What you'll need-

A 9-inch glass pie plate (I used a ceramic pie plate and it was fine) 
Blender or food processor
1/4 c unsalted butter
1/4 c packed brown sugar
1 t ground cinnamon
approx. 1 c fruit (sliced/diced if big)
5 large eggs
1/2 c milk
1/2 c all-purpose flour
pinch of salk
maple syrup


1.  Heat oven to 425F.
2.  While preheating the oven, place the butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon in the glass pie plate.  Stick the pie plate in the oven until the butter is nice and bubbly (5-7 mins).  Then, remove from oven.
3.  Stir in your fruit slices, mix well.  Return to oven for another 2-3 mins.
4.  In your blender or food processor, mix eggs, milk. flour, and salt until these ingredients are frothy, but don't overmix (1 min).
5.  Take out your pie plate from the oven, pour the blended egg mixture into the pie plate, and bake until the pancake is puffy and set (approx. 20 mins).
6.  Serve it up with some syrup, and enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bucket List!

It's officially summer.  Two seasons since my last post have come and gone.  School's out.  Kids are running through sprinklers.  Ants attempted to have parties in our kitchen, more than once.  This means, it's time to get my summer bucket list going.  On their podcast, Joy and Tracy assigned their listeners some homework.  It's been about a year since I've had actual 'homework'-- so I've actually been super-excited to get back to being a diligent student.  The homework assignment was twofold-- make up a summer bucket list, and then, do what you set out to do!

So, after some deep thinking (a.k.a. putting off dissertation work), here's what I came up with:

Yuri's Summer Bucket List 

  1. Read a 'reading for leisure' book, cover to cover.  I have about 10 leisure books that I've started and never finished.  I tried to read Heartbreak Work of Staggering Genius about 6 times, each time, having to re-read the book from the start because I forgot everything I read.  This resulted in me never getting past page 137. 
  2. Perfect a frozen yogurt recipe.  I've used my ice cream maker (an impulse buy from a Macy's in St. Louis approximately 2.5 years ago) two times.  This needs to change.
  3. Be active, daily.  Whether it be a bike ride around the neighborhood, a rejuvenating yoga class, or quality time watching Cupcake Wars on the treadmill screen at the gym... I.WILL.BE.GOOD.TO.MY.BODY.
  4. Make solar light lanterns.  I posted this project idea on my Pinterest board, and I completely plan to follow through.  I even bought all of the supplies already, so there's obviously no turning back.  Of course, the supplies have been sitting patiently for a month now, hence the need to put this agenda item on a summer bucket list.
  5. Drink beer from a pony keg hoisted atop a beer girl's back at a Japanese baseball game.  This is so super-specific, but it's a near-guaranteed bucket list cross-off item.  Things are happening.  Plans are being made.  Oh yes.  I might be as excited as Jarrod on this.
  6. Practice some sweet Zumba moves while grocery shopping.  This is an odd one.  I wanted to put one in that I haven't quite been ballsy enough to do.  The thing is, grocery shopping with me is a Horrible (yes, with a capital H) experience.  I meander.  I get distracted by pretty food.  I get lost.  A cell phone is a must if you go to a grocery store with me.  So, to alleviate the dread for one lucky grocery-mate, I will bust some Zumba moves in the produce section.  Yup, the section right when you walk in.  And, where you walk out.  Totally a high-traffic area, no big deal.  All that, to put a smile on a friend or husband's face.  This better not end up on YouTube.  Or, maybe it better, so I never do that again.
  7. Don't cut my hair.  I have a love/hate relationship with my hair.  Every summer, I start out wanting to keep it long-- so I can style it pretty and have beach wave-y hair (nevermind the fact that Midwest is exactly that-- in the Middle-west of the country... as in, no salt-water beaches).  Then, come the first truly hot day of summer, and I'm on the phone booking a haircut.  I think the exception to this rule was the summer before I got married-- because I wanted an updo and *had* to keep growing my hair out from the previous summer's short bobbed 'do.  This year, I will yet again, strive to keep my hair intact.  Beach wave-y hair is also a goal.

I think that's it.  7 bucket list items.  I'll get started on these ASAP.  Thanks again for the idea, Joy & Tracy!
Friends, I will keep you posted on my progress!